I am not kidding. Dogs really are. You might think that your dog is only interested in sleeping, barking and scarfing down treats but you’d be mistaken. That is not to say that they don’t enjoy those things but deep down what your dog truly is, is a frustrated supermodel.
I can hear you laughing but hear me out. I don’t care if you think your dog is high strung and can’t sit still or is a card carrying member of team Van Winkle and can barely find the energy to go potty. I have worked with enough dogs to know that with the right encouragement any dog will come alive in front of my camera lens. Rescues, with pasts that only they know; purebreds with storied lineage or that cute little pup with the Osterizer mix of a bloodline. It just doesn’t matter, of course their natural personality will always shine through but so will their inner supermodel.
One minute it is all about the distractions. Is that a squirrel? What’s that smell? What is going on over there? Are there any more treats? Then bamm! Your dog is smouldering, smiling, working the camera or coyly looking away.
This natural ability was why I coined the term Canine Steel. I obviously took my inspiration from a movie that curiously I never saw, but I wanted a way to easily identify that moment, during the session when the dog switched on. If you follow me on Instagram and if you don’t you should, you will notice many of them have the hashtag "#caninesteel.
What if you don’t know if your dogs a natural model? What if you did and you’ve got photos to prove it. If you do, I would love to see them. Please tag me (@inlindesignphoto) on social media with your best (or worst) canine steel photos.
And tit for tat here is a few of mine: