Earlier this week I had the opportunity to meet Chili, who was one of the sweetest Yorkies I have ever met. After being in her company for a little while, I was surprised to learn that the veterinarian approximated her age at five years. I did not go to veterinary school so I am not challenging him/her, I am simply saying that is one lively five year old.
Somehow Chili found herself living on the streets in the GTA and lucky for her the fine folks at Speaking of Dogs Rescue came to her, well… rescue. I am confident that it will not take Chili long to find a furever home.
I will say that this was one of the quickest adoption photo sessions I’ve ever done. Chili was a little unsure when I first set out my equipment but she warmed quickly and before long she was throwing off some serious Canine Steel. She was posing like a seasoned vet from the very first frame, that is why it did not take me long at all to get what I needed but I was having such a good time with her that I found it hard to call an end to the session.

If there is any room in your home and in your heart for Chili or any other rescue, then head on over to Speaking of Dogs Rescue. They have several dogs who can’t wait to bathe you with love and affection.