Late October an opportunity came along to combine a few of my favourite things. And by doing so I could help raise some much needed funds for the Peel Animal Rescue Society. They were looking for a photographer, (favourite thing number one), to take pictures of all the pets, (favourite thing number two), who would be at Sheridan Nurseries November 24th to visit Santa Paws to tell him what they wanted for the holidays.
We formed a small but mighty team that day; Santa, Mrs Paws, my good friend Jamie and yours truly. Mrs Paws manned the registration table ensuring a smooth and organized transition from one family to the next. Jamie was on lead squeaker, my voice activated light stand and helped to secure my equipment when excited bodies and tails go too close.
It was a lot of fun to see all the different dog personalities and outfits on the day. You had your happy go lucky dogs who couldn’t wait to sit next to Santa. You had your ‘nope, nope, nope’ dogs, who wanted nothing, to do with the man in the red suit.
I went into this event fully prepared to see a sea of canines, so you can imagine my surprise when a cat showed up to take part. Further, you could have knocked me over with a feather when it was the Guinea Pigs turn. Yes, I said Guinea Pig.

All told, it took about 3 hours to shoot about 500 frames, of over 30 participants but the number that brings me the greatest sense of pride is the $700 dollars we helped raise for the rescue. I hope that we helped more pets get home for the holidays.
To donate, volunteer or to take part in the December 7th Santa Paws event contact the Peel Animal Rescue Society (905) 813-1993